Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Un Homme de Têtes

Un Homme de Têtes by Georges Méliès (1898). Source.

I find myself very interested in and inspired by analogue things at the moment, and thought this excellent documentary was an inspiration (I'm sorry if you can't view it in your country, if so further info here).

Above is the short film 'Un Homme de Têtes' from 1898 by French filmmaker and innovator Georges Méliès - a film generally seen as a masterpiece of the era.


"A conjurer removes his head and places it on a table. Instantly, he grows a second head, identical to the first. As the head on the table looks around, the conjurer crawls under the table to show this is no sleight of hand. He then removes his new head and places it on the table next to the first head, and again grows another. This third head he removes and places on a second table, before growing a fourth. The conjurer produces a banjo and begins to sing with his three detached heads. Losing his patience, the conjurer smashes the three detached heads with his banjo, before exiting with a bow. "

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